La Maire


You have 2 options to get to Pamiers from Blagnac Airport.

The first is by the autoroutes A61 and A66. This will cost around 10 euros.
It is further, but faster. From Blagnac airport, first follow signs to Toulouse centre, but
then as soon as you see signs to Tarbes and Lourdes, follow those. This will take you
south around the peripherique, then you pick up the blue autoroute signs to Foix.
The toll motorway ends at Pamiers Nord. Leave the motorway here

Alternatively, you can come down the N20 via Auterive.
This is shorter and cheaper, but takes about 10 mins longer. We usually go this way. To get onto this road, follow the signs to Tarbes and Lourdes until you see green signs for Foix, the N20.


Both of these routes will bring you to a roundabout just north of Pamiers.
Followthe D624 towards the town.

At the first traffic lights turn right towards Bezac and Escosse (D119).
Follow this road all the way to the village of Escosse. Go through the village.

A km or so after the village, where the road bears right,
take the left fork (straight on really) and follow the signs to St Victor R.

Drive straight through the village. Just after the village exit sign, where the road bends around to the left, turn right at the small farm of ‘Le Tarré’.Immediately after the farm turn right and follow the lane uphill. At the next fork turn right and La Maire is right at the end of the lane.


From Foix

Go through Varilhes, following the signs for Rieux de Pelleport on the D13.
Turn left in Rieux de Pelleport, then turn right soon after the village,
staying on the D13 to St.Victor Rouzaud.

Stay on this road for 6.5 km. Just before reaching St Victor Rouzaud, turn left next to the bins at the little farm of Le Tarré’. Immediately after the farm turn right and follow the lane uphill. At the next fork turn right and La Maire is right at the end of the lane.